June 24th, 2006

I'm starting this about 6 minutes before I officially turn 28. And I'm thinking of the wedding that's going to happen today in Los Angeles. And the bachelor party that's going to get underway in Lake Tahoe. And the date this afternoon in San Jose. The anniversary taking place in or around Disneyland. The other places where this is just a Saturday... or the 24th has already passed. And I'm thinking about how last year, by the time the 24th of June had passed, I had smacked my face on a children's slide; and how two years ago I'd dipped into some Czech plum vodka [sic], walked to the beach and eaten a doughnut before the sun came up on my 26th year. There's my family and the friends I'll see this year and the friends I won't and the people I'll see soon enough and the ones I'll never see again. And now I've just turned 28 and I'm hoping that 365 days from now I have something better to write.
Printed on 6/24/06
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J.J. Oblivian
Los Angeles, CA

I'm in a gang
called California.

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